a great dog Discusses raw feeding for chow and shih tzu puppies
Feeding a Fresh raw dog food diet
There are many variations on the proper way to feed a fresh raw food diet to dogs. Your duty to your beloved pet is to research and seek out a method that works for you and your pet.
Typically, the most recognized formula for feeding Raw foods is by weight. The formula is 80% Species Appropriate Muscle Meat, 10% Bone or Calcium and 10% Organ meat ( 5% Liver, 5% spleen kidney as well as others) which should be fed at 2% of dog's weight once a day. While this is a good starting point, it may not be a a balnced diet for your Dog. In order to balance a dog's ration, the metabolic energy needs to be determined. Growing puppies may need twice the amount of food fed twice daily or more. This should be used as a starting point as caloric requirements and essential nutrients must also be addressed.
One of the key negative responses to raw feeding is the Salmonella scare. Be aware, many pets carry Salmonella already and are equiped to handle it. The dangers of Salmonella contamination is for humans , thus cleanliness and sanitation is important. Feeding Human grade meat greatly reduces chances of Salmonella contamination.
Your pet will love you for doing this. We have provided some information to you as to the why and the how, in page tabs in this section.
Additional resources for learning about raw feeding
There are several educational sources for Raw Feeding. www.healthydogworkshop.com, www.perfectlyrawsome.com,
www.rawfeeding101.com, and www.keepthetailwagging.com.
Sourcing Ingredients
Dogs are carnivores and need meat to survive. Using Human Grade meat and food products can help keep you dog healthier. Unless you dog food is labeled "Human Grade", it will be "4D" meat (dying, diseased, disabled, and dead animals, especially livestock like cattle)
Another key factor is sourcng the various ingredients to making the diet complete and balanced nutrition for your dog. Sometimes access and availability may be different in your area. Knowing what can be used as substitutions may be critical for a balanced nutrition.
Premade Diets There are also many premade raw food blends commercially available. Typically they should be balanced in accordance with NRC guidelines. We recommend Titan Red & Blue, or any human grade premade blend.
Here are some sources for premade raw food blends. Be sure to ask and check their history on pet food recalls by the FDA.
Dr Marty's Pets, True Dog, Tucker's raw and freeze dried, Darwins Pet, Stewards Pet and Answers.
Also www.mealmixfordogs.com has an easy way to make your own blends by just sourcing the meat and adding a mealmix packet with all the essential nutrients for a complete and balanced diet. Again metabolic energy of your dog needs to be taken in account. This is a great option for making your own human grade diet for your dog.
Ingredient Sources Here are some resources for ingredients needed in balanced raw foods.
Raw Feeding Miami and Big Dan's Trucking and Pet Foods. Aisian food markets are also great places to find hard to get ingredients. Also some local butchers may be willing to work with you in sourcing Human grade meat.